Thank you for choosing Maxloop as your blockchain security partner!

Here’s what you can expect when working with us.


Before the assessment

We may send you a questionnaire to gather more information on the purpose and background of your project so that we can gain a better understanding of your code


During the assessment process

We will carefully inspect your code to find potential business logic issues, edge-case bugs, exploit risks, governance risks, gas inefficiencies and tokenomic inefficiencies.

We will provide solutions in case we find any bugs or attack vectors, and we will work with you to ensure that you have implemented our recommendations correctly.


After the assessment

(Optional) If you have provided us GitHub or zip files for assessment, we will verify that the deployed contracts match the final files and note this on our website.

(Optional) You can sign up for a retainer with us and:

  • Get a fixed number of hours of support a month where we
    can help you with deployment issues and production bugs
  • Get access to our emergency response team when an issue arises with your project
  • Receive competitive pricing and be prioritized for future full audits